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A Different Path

A video compilation story by Wil Lanter (from the Cherokee Nation)

My Cherokee name is Uwayi (Ooh-wah-yee) meaning hand. I give all the glory to the Spirit and Creator as He just guided my hand in this. Here is the message:

Humanity is here for some higher purpose other than that of the animal or the apparent generality of external things... Humans leverage life in truths and illusions. How we package each event sequence determines if we leverage selfishly or in unconditional love for others.

In each and every case, the hierarchy of human survival is at stake. Should this be judged from the standpoint of the self or of the collective? Many, without hesitation, take the self or narcissistic point of view in every life event 85% of their lifetime.

The danger to civilization is that the selfish will band together and demand self-gratifying acts from the collective of human be-ness. These beings of high narcissism represent the spoiled potential of human destiny. They are a pox on humanity and use selfishness and victimization to leverage the minds of others via emotional blackmail or guilt-tripping. They position for a place of high intellect, but fulfill a realm of complex ignorance through a world-projected fallacy. Their tool is the sophisticated lie dressed up in the jargon of the court (argumentum ad ---) and sold to the uneducated public.
--Ron O. Cook

Seek the part you have ignored, for it is there within each of us. Talk the talk, AND also walk the walk. Humanity needs you.

Severn Suzuki speaking at UN Earth Summit 1992

When the Hopi first arrived upon this land the Creator was the only one living here at the time. When the Hopi met the Creator here, they asked him to be their leader. The Creator refused and said that there were many evil intentions in their hearts that they must first fulfill before he could be their leader. Those who managed to survive and live through all their evil intentions would meet the Creator after all was over and he would then be their leader. The Creator is therefore the 'first' and the 'last' because of this meeting arrangement.

Elder Red Crow speaks

Love is the greatest achievement the man can realise in his life. Love is the condition of the soul that enhances the world and with it the man who loves. A man who loves carries with him an inner peace, stability, lightness and joy of living and that is how he can be identified. In the natural society love is probably a spontaneous act which develops by itself. In a society alienated from its own nature such as ours, we do not know how to love each other enough.
--Aleksandar Sarovic

Rose Espinoza Caring Interview

From my perspective, depression and loneliness amongst Americans may be as inevitable as lung cancer for smokers. No culture that devalues life, love, and meaning as profoundly as ours can produce a happy or unified populace. From the day we are born, our ability to love our selves and connect with others is subverted by a thousand barriers emplaced by cultural conditioning.
--Michael Goodspeed

Simple Acts of Kindness - Give it a try

I would not be writing this essay if I had not walked a country mile with sadness by my side. I am sad more often than I am happy. I yearn for connection with others more than anything on Earth. And I feel nothing but compassion for my many brothers and sisters who have lost the ability to love and loved. But I am hopeful because I have recognized that critical first step we all must take before real connection is possible.
--Michael Goodspeed

Samuel Mockbee 2000 Caring Interview

Our ways are different. We are not a scriptural type of people. We are not known to be writers, we are known to be symbolizers. We may use a symbol or a color to represent a concept. When we teach something or we are shown something, you will only hear it once - you will not hear it again. If you hear it the second time it will not be the same as you heard it the first time and it will not be as strong a message. That is why we use symbols to represent the meaning of important teachings.
--Albert Laughter, Diné Nation (Navajo)

Two Wolves

I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.
--William Penn

A Message We All Can Use

Some time in the future, the Indians said, the animals would begin to disappear. People would no longer see the wolf, or the bear, or the eagles. And, the story goes, the giant trees would also disappear. And people would fight with each other and not love each other. And, the story goes, the beautiful rainbow in the sky would fade away, and people would not see the rainbow anymore.

Well, children would come. And these children would love the animals, and they would bring back the animals. They would love trees, and they would bring back the giant trees. And these children would love other people and they would help people to live in peace with, each other.

The Call of the Rainbow Warriors

Maybe we, and our children are these warriors, only our hearts knows the truth.

Tell us your story from the heart. Tell us if you are ready for something new, something real.

Gary Vey / editor / (reply to: myristicin - at - hotmail - dot - com)

NEXT -- The Two Paths Hopi Prophecy



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