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TWO PATHS: The Hopi Prophecy

Thomas O. Mills grew up on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona. His Mom ran the visitor's center, which is still there. Surrounded by the "old school" of Hopi elders, Thomas was exposed to their culture, stories and prophecies. These had a lasting impact on his view of our own White culture, why it has been the source of so much sadness and spiritual emptiness. In his adult life, he began writing about our world through the eyes and ears of the Hopi elders, with whom he stayed in touch.

While most of the Hopi have been influenced by modern culture, a few still keep the spark of Truth alive, as given to them by the Creator, thousands of years ago. Christianity has its Two Great Commandments and the Hopi have their Two Paths of action. I asked Thomas to describe these paths as they are etched in stone on the Hopi Reservation.

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It is every Hopis dream upon death to be reincarnated as a Kachina (Spirit Guardian or an Angel). For him to accomplish this task, he has to choose the right life style or path while he actual lives here, on the ground, on planet earth today.

The Creator, in the beginning, told the Hopi that he would return seven times to see if humankind would be smart enough to listen to his Laws of Creation and take care of himself and the planet. By Hopi count, humankind has failed three times and we are living in the forth world or forth attempt, today.

Frank Waters describe these paths in The Book of The Hopi

If a (Hopi) Man adheres rigidly to the ritually pure pattern in this stage of existence, he is released at death from plodding through the remaining three worlds of this universe and goes directly to the next multi-world universe as a Kachina. On the other hand, if he is evil and becomes a witch or sorcerer, his return to the underworld is painfully slow. He progresses at the rate of but one step a year, being allowed only one drop of water and one kernel of corn to sustain him.

When the end time is near, the Creator returns to earth, selects the individuals that have followed his instructions, places them in a safe underground shelter, and allows the earth to recycle, rebalance, and regenerate, into a new perfect world, eliminating all those that took the wrong path durning their life time.

The Creator also provides a Kachina Guardian that greets these new arrivals as they climb up the ladder from their underground chamber (that is called a Kiva), as they emerged into this new world. The Kachina Guardian that greeted them this fourth time was named Massaw.

The ladder symbolizes the umbilical cord or pathway of life from one world to the next (there is no going back) and the Kiva chamber represents the womb. Maasaw, explained the challenges that the peaceful people would come across during their stay in this new world. He told them there would be two paths each individual would have to choose between, the one heart path; with truth, love, kindness, and compassion, where all you would need would be your seeds, your water jar, your planting stick, and your ceremonies, and the two heart path; where an individual would have one human heart and one animal heart, where witchcraft, wickedness, greed, and the power to bring misfortune to others, your main purpose.

Sometimes two hearts can show the traits of a one heart when it is to their advantage to gain possessions, or power and we might call them two faced, deceitful, or dishonest. There is no greater fear on the Hopi reservation than having a two heart cast spells against you or your loved ones.

There is a petroglyph carved in the mountain side near Chug Chug, Chile which portrays these instructions. Figure 1. At the top of the ladder one figure is divided into two after reaching the top. The figure on the right side of the ladder has the symbol of the earthʼs path or our path of life in front of him. This tells me that mankind's path and the earthʼs path are connected and something we should be very concerned about.

[Above:] CHIZA CHILE - GEOGLYPH. The figure on the left side has two animal figures beneath him. Somehow his path and the way the animals lives are connected, the two heart. The ladder does not have any steps for a backward decent into the past and the whole hillside looks like this:

There is another figure nearby that represents a very large Kachina figure in my eyes:

Atacama Giant, Chile. A Hopi Kachina?

There are over 5,000 geoglyphs located in Chiles, Atacama desert, the driest place on earth, and I am sure a Hopi Elder could read the message carved in the soft soil by their guardian spirt, Massaw.

This is the location the Hopi landed after traveling over a large ocean, always going east, after a great flood the last time the polar ice caps melted. Massaw was waiting there for them there and gave them permission to occupy this land.

Near the Hopi village of Oraibi, there is a petroglyph that has been interpreted by many Hopi Elders and other non-Hopi, as myself, called Prophecy Rock, Figure 4, their interpretations are available online for you to consider. This is what I think the petroglyph is trying to say:

Prophecy Rock - Oraibi Arizona

a. Massaw (one heart) greeting the Hopi upon arrival to this land and describing the two paths. Prayer Feather in his hair, the new initiate.

b. He has his planting stick and his seeds, all you will need to survive in this new world.

c. The path leading to the two paths.

d. Our small planet in balance.

e. & f. There was a way to come back to the correct path in the beginning.

g. Wrong path, the one we have been on.

h. Three two face that have passed, represent 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, worlds. I think these figures were headless when first carved, similar to the figure on the back of the Hopi Fire Clan Tablet.

i. The snake like line represent the path of our planet. The earth will wobble if we do not live by the Creators laws.

j. Incomplete figure of this the 4th world or present time. Its too early to tell if we will be one heart or two.

k. The correct path, will still have problems along the way but they are correctable.

l. Ears of corn growing in each world 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

m. Three polar shifts, the first two came on schedule, the third was early.

n. Just an ear of corn, it does no go up into the other path, that is the leg of the 3rd two heart figure up above, no connection.

o. Massaw, one heart, planting corn with his planting stick in this the fourth world for us.

p. Four different races, black, yellow, red, and white.

I do not think choosing a correct path is just a Hopi decision. We have all made decisions, good and bad, throughout our lives but until recently we did not know that they could effect the entire planet. The Hopi have done their best to sound the alarm, but those of us with two hearts do not always listen to their warnings with our two ears or see whats in store for us, with our two eyes.

Thomas O. Mills is author of The Book of Truth A New Perspective to the Hopi Creation Story & Stonehenge, If This Was East. Special Thanks To: Pedro Lazaro photos, Blue Knight Productions, Viewzone, Frank Waters, The Book of the Hopi, and White Bear, Fredericks, and the Hopi People.

Tell us your story from the heart. Tell us if you are ready for something new, something real.

Gary Vey / editor / (reply to: myristicin - at - hotmail - dot - com)



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