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A Story of Family Love and Preparing for the Worst

I am, Angie, a mother of four children and a grandmother of two (so far) and we live in Maryland. My family is the joy of my life along with my extended family. We have many family events because we have a large family. I am not a part of any organized religion but I do consider myself more spiritual than the average person. I have found great comfort in Eckart Tolle, who has predicted a major "event" and a raised spiritual awareness.

I am battling with my own thoughts and fears about what may be ahead in the very near future for all of us. I've always felt that something monumental was going to happen in this world that would change this earth as we know it. After much reading, I've come to the conclusion that this is a very real possibility and not too far off.

I've spoken my suspicions and concerns to my husband and I brought it up to my brother one day. We spent a few hours talking "what if" and kind of laughed it off. As time went on we chidingly brought it up to other members of the family. Some scoffed at the idea of a major cataclysm while others listened with interest -- but as more events took place, sending up a "red flag", we all started talking more seriously. Since then we have held regular meetings. We call these meetings "JUST IN CASE" meetings.

More recently, my husband and I, my son and his wife, my brother and his wife and their son and my nephew who is in the Military have started stockpiling food, guns, ammo, medical supplies, tools, seeds and anything else we think we may need at my home. They each bought and stocked shelves in my basement. We plan our "JUST IN CASE" scenarios at our meetings.

We don't tell many others what we are doing. Some of the younger couples cannot really afford to "prep", but the rest of us are trying to provide enough for them. Some members of the family think we are all wasting our time and money, and maybe we are. But what if we are not?

Many more family members are with us now. We have been using dehydrators and food saver bags, educating ourselves about self reliance, living off the land, how to plant, what to eat, etc.

We are planning a "JUST IN CASE" practice event at my home in the next couple months. Although it is scary to think about it, I feel it is even more frightening to think about doing nothing to prepare. It sure feels like something big is about to go down!

During our "JUST IN CASE" party we are going to make it like a "game" day -- a day full of fun and events. My husband and I live on 5 acres and are surrounded by woods. We are planning a fire starting contest, slingshot and gun practice. We have water balloon hand grenades (really are shaped like grenades) also bow and arrow target shooting. We'll also maybe bury some supplies out in the woods if needed. My sister is bringing her "roadkill recipes" from her "redneck picnic" -- one of her many themed picnics over the years. We are going to run through some drills and get our "code words list". We plan to have a really fun day.

I know "TEOTWAWKI" (the end of the world as we know it) is not what you would call anything to laugh and joke around about, but we might as well make the best of a bad situation. We are here now, so we should enjoy life to the fullest.

I really do believe mother earth needs some changes and adjustments. We (humans) have not been the best caregiver to this wonderful planet. A good cleansing is probably just what is needed, especially when you look at the "big picture."

I do see this as a necessary step in the evolution of this earth but, as a mother and grandmother, it impales my heart to think of what lies ahead for my family, along with all humans. This is not a pleasant future that I see, but possibly an energy draining struggle just to stay alive.

I don't know if our meager efforts will have any impact on what is to come, but we will try. I know if it wasn't for my children and grandchildren I would not worry about it or care. My husband and I have lived a full life. But I have so much hope for our children and their family's future and I want them to experience some of those more precious moments that I have experienced , just as a mother and grandmother.

If nothing happens and all of us "preppers" are laughed at and considered foolish to have believed such nonsense, then HOORAY! We have been blessed with the future we had hoped and prayed for. On the other hand, if something does happen... if there is that one small chance that we could possibly let our families carry on in a new world, they we will also have won. Either way all we can do is to make the best of the situation at hand.

Above all else, I feel blessed to be here on this earth to possibly partake in the event of the millennium. I really believe that we all probably chose to be on earth during this time, to witness this event, which could possibly usher in the final stage of man. I believe there will be a 1000 years of peace and a raised awareness of all humans. I hope I get to come back again to live during those years!


Tips on YOUR prepping here.


Tell us your story from the heart. Tell us if you are ready for something new, something real.

Gary Vey / editor / (reply to: myristicin - at - hotmail - dot - com)



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