Hello Gary;

I sent this photo montage to contacts pertaining to the Vril Gessellschaft/Society founded in Germany in the 1920's.

It was an Esoteric Society that was equality for both men & women, and some famed Women then were literal Priestesses & more at that time... like our Beloved Maria Orsic.

The Vril Society was inspired by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton's 1800's novel, "The Coming Race" about an underground civilization that was highly advanced and used Vril Energy which is the Energy that underlies ALL this Universe and ALL Matter, Gary.

In other times like in China & Asia it's called the "Qi/Chi/Ki," or in Europe, it was called "Animal Magnetism" by Franz Anton Mesmer, or the "Odic Energy" by Count Karl von Reichenbach, or the "Vril Energy" by Lytton, or "Orgone Energy" by Psychologist/Scientist Wilhelm Reich.

Anyway, the Vril Society had very advanced thinkers & scientists there in it, & the Vril Society gave the 3rd Reich when it began in the 1930's, some very highly advanced Technology using Free-Energy based on the underlying Vril Energy that animates ALL Life in this Universe.  So many alleged UFO's were actually manmade flying saucer craft by the Nazis they never fully developed...

After WWII, the OSS/CIA later & the British MI6, took this technology to use & develop & the craft at the 40's Roswell incident was a Haunebu Vril type craft in actuality...

As for the Vril Society, it went underground before WWII seeing they were betrayed & what technology they gave to the Nazis was being abused & the corruption going on; and they saw great dangers ahead & fled Germany & disappeared.

Today we are in Bavaria & Italy today, Gary.

I am a Vril Society Member/Initiate... it's not what many Researchers in the Esoteric & Nazis & manmade UFO's think... the Vril Society were not the Bad Guys among the Nazis as to the Occult/Esoteric connection... that business was the Anhenerbe, the SS & the Thule Society in Reality as to Occult Nazism... and yeah, they were into the Dark Side of the Force as it were...

Anyway, the Vril Society survived & lives still in time... I apologize for sending You this if it caused any offense to You, Gary.

Admiral Canaris who was one who was part of the 1944 plot in Nazi Germany to stop Hitler was a Vril Society Member & Plaz was the getting escape to the Antarctica of the highest Technology so the Allies & the evil hidden corruption there could not steal it... but the Intelligences of the OSS-CIA & MI6 got some Nazi Technology & imported many bad Nazi Scientists like Reinhard Gehlen who was a Head of the CIA(!) and Werner Von Braun for NASA, & Joseph Mengele for MK-Ultra via Project Paperclip after WWII, via the Vatican on fraud Passports... the Conspiracy is Reality my Friend more than most people even realize...

Anyway, this was sent today in loving Memory of Vril Women, Maria Orsic & Sigrum & Traute in the 20's/30's/40's/to Post-WWII for a time... today is a very old North European Holiday called Walpurgis Nacht in Germany.

Take Care Gary. Hope this helps... below are pics of Vril Craft & the Vril symbol dating to the 1920's.  Take Care... Be Good to YOU~ RR