In Australia, this alphabet
in known as The Panaramitee Tradition

In Australia, this alphabet has been found on many locations and adheres to the grammar and structure of the other known petroglyphs on the other two continents. Ironically, instead of considering the similarity to other archaeological sites around the globe as evidence of a global culture, the scientific community in Australia has denied the possibility that this is any type of "system" at all, either writing or storyboard.

The concept that these odd shapes somehow formed a system of communication was first put forth by Lesley Maynard. Maynard received overwhelming resistance to his assertion and he finally discontinued his efforts. By the late 1980s, there was virtually no interest in these petroglyphs. In 1995, Bednarik reported the results of his experiment to see how readily the Panaramitee Tradition could be recognized. He sent drawings and pictures of several examples of petroglyphs to various rock art scholars around the globe. Ninety-eight (98%) percent wrongly identified petroglyphs from the United States, Africa and Europe as being Panaramitee Tradition. Bednarik summarized as follows,

"It is either not possible to identify the Panaramitee style, or... this is a world-wide style."

The map above shows the myriad locations of this style. It has been noted that this style is also accompanied by petroglyphs and pictographs of strange humanoid beings with large eyes. There are also reportedly collections of carved handprints, similar to those recorded in the canyons of Monument Valley and in Southeast Colorado. Dr. Harris has not reported these types of phenomenon in the Sinai.

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