Part 1: || Part 2: Aether

by Steven Moore ©2011

I'm sure I left with you a lot of questions after part 1, and I hope to be able to answer some of those questions here in part 2. There will be many more segments to come after this one and by the end of this series, I hope to have shown you that Ron Pearson may very well have discovered the long sought after "Theory of Everything." Einstein sought after this theory for the last half of his life and ultimately died before he was able to finish, and he was never truly satisfied with his discoveries and was even quoted as saying;

"now you think I am looking at my life's work with calm satisfaction. But on closer look, it is quite different. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm and I am not sure if I was on the right track after all."

By the Theory of Everything I mean a theory that united all phenomena and could predict the outcome of any experiment. Einstein eventually settle on unifying his theory of relativity and the theories of quantum mechanics, which he was never able to successfully do. You see, most of the major breakthroughs in quantum mechanics came after Einstein had made his theories, and when they came out they clashed with Einstein's theories of relativity. But Einstein's theories were all verified by observable effects in the known universe, so he couldn't be wrong, so subsequently physicist spent 80 years trying to rewrite the laws of quantum mechanics, seeing as how it's ideas were not as easily verified.

Einstein spent the later part of his life trying to figure out a theory that would allow both ideas to coexist in peace, but he died before he was ever able to complete his work, as is written above, he was never satisfied with his work. Since then many scientists have attempted to complete this work, it's considered the "Holy Grail" of the scientific community. Well Ron Pearson has taken it a step further, not only has he come up with an idea which will unite the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, but his theory also explains many previously unexplainable phenomena, such as paranormal and spiritual experiences, and it also backs up many controversial scientific ideas either by agreeing with them completely or by supporting an idea strikingly similar to them.

Pearson's theory is the real deal, it attempts to explain everything, all phenomena such as paranormal and spiritual experiences as well as many other controversial scientific theories on top of finally unifying the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics. One thing to note though is that it does require a slight bit of tweaking on the Theory of Special Relativity, and how light is always a constant for all inertial observers. Ron Pearson is actually an engineer, specifically in the area of thermodynamics, and some point this out in an attempt to discredit his ideas by saying he doesn't have any expertise in physics, but Einstein himself was an engineer, not a physicist, and look at how far his theories in physics have brought us. His ideas laid the very foundation of modern day physics.

So where to begin? I guess the first and most important question to ask here today is; What is the ether? Ether, or Aether, is an all permeating substance that connects everything in the entire universe. This is a theory that has been around for a long time, since before Newton. A theory that was once commonly accepted to be fact until Einstein's theories of relativity destroyed it. The original term Aether is actually an old Greek word which meant "pure fresh air," and was considered to the Greeks to be the pure essence in which the Gods themselves inhabited and breathed. It filled the universe and existed above the Sublunary Sphere or the space from the Earth to the Moon. It was considered to be the fifth element. Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Ether. Even today pagan religions and many other groups, Wicca for example, believe those to be the Five Elements.

Even the Maya believed in this same set of elements. I'm sure you are familiar with the 2012 End Time Prophecies that have been so widely discussed lately. In the constant back and forth debates I always here people bring up the point that the calender doesn't actually say that the world is going to end on Dec 21st 2012, but that's just the date that the calender ends. Well yes, and no. You're right on the point that the calender doesn't specifically state that the world ends on that date. What it does say is that this will be the end of the 5th age, and some people think that's nothing more than the turning of any calender just like on New Years. Nothing happens, we just go to a new year. Well people who say this are obviously not too familiar with Mayan beliefs. When the Maya said is that it would be the end of the 5th age, and they believed every age came to an abrupt end due to some kind of global cataclysm. Now I'm not trying to convince you that 2012 will be the apocalypse, I'm just trying to give you some insight into what the Maya believed.

You see the Maya believed that there had already been 4 Ages to come and go and that we were in our fifth. They also believed that at the end of each previous age the world had been completely destroyed by one of the five elements. It was then reborn again only to be destroyed by one of the other elements. Each age lasted 5,125 years, and each perished in some global cataclysmic event.The first age was destroyed by fire, the second by earth, the third by air and the fourth by water. They believed the last time the earth was destroyed was 5,125 years ago (from Dec 21st 2012) and it was destroyed by a great flood that left few survivors. I'm sure you're familiar with that story from the Bible, Noah's Ark. What you may be less familiar with is that this "myth" is a common theme in the majority of all religions from all parts of the world, as well as many ancient myths and fables. On top of that there's quite a bit of Archaeological evidence of the Great Flood

This is but one example, over the years there have been many more discoveries which have led most archaeologists to the conclusion that there most certainly was a great flood that covered most of the earth and most seem to agree that it happened sometime around the 3000 B.C.E. mark, give or take a few hundred years.

What is "about 3,000 years" plus 2,012 years?

-About 5,125 years, the length of one of the Mayan ages, as well as the time period when the last age was supposedly destroyed by water. This age, the 5th age, is supposed to be destroyed by Ether. What does that mean exactly? Well I have an idea, but we'll get to that later. First we must go back to the original question; What is Ether.

I've given you some background on the thoughts of ether, how different cultures believed in, and there were many more than just the two I mentioned, but what is it really? Other than being an all permeating substance that connected everything in the universe, ether was thought to be the medium in which light traveled. The idea was simple, in 1800 it was known that sound waves traveled via air. Sound was created by objects moving and causing a vibration which would travel between two locations via the air. Thus, no air, meant no sound. So it was theorized that light also had to have a medium in which to move through. This medium was considered to be the ether.

Many tests were conducted in the 1800-1900's in attempts to prove the existence of ether, all of which failed, but do not let this automatically dismiss the idea. We've come a long way since then. Ron Pearson has apparently proven the existence of the ether mathematically. Unfortunately you'd have to be a mathematician to understand it, which doesn't really help much. Ron Pearson's idea of Ether is much more intricate and grand. He actually refers to it as the "i-ther" because he believes it to have it's own form of intelligence or consciousness. Now I know that sounds crazy, so let me break it down for you.

At this point we need to further examine Ron Pearson's Theory of how the universe works.

Unfortunately this is as far as I got, I know it still hasn't answered anything, it's only left you with even more questions than you started with, and although you learned something, none of your original questions were answered. Well be patient young grasshopper we're getting there. If you want to learn a bit more in the mean time I have some great interviews for you to watch.

The Science of Eternity:

The Scientific and Rational Case for Life after Death


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Just quickly read the article. It is my belief that science and religion can coexist, and that they should coexist. It is our job to put them together is a cohesive, functioning, workable unit that allows science to prove religion and religion to prove science. In general the scientific community is way too opposed to working with the religious community. To the point that the scientists' science has become their religion. If you don't accept what they believe then you are out. And the scientists can be very passionate and aggressive in these viewpoints. Case in point. When someone comes along in an effort to say Darwinism may not be right. Ho boy, does the scientific community get up in arms and works to discredit that someone.
